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Beautiful colors of Africa are painted on these hand made candles.  The collection is available in tapers, pillar candles, cube candles and votive candles. African Mineral Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
African Mineral taper pair in pewter taper holders. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hours burn time
AM9TP $ 14.00
African Mineral 3x4 pillar candle. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hours burn time
AM34PL $ 24.50
African Mineral 3x6 pillar candle. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hours burn time
AM36PL $ 28.50
African Mineral 3x8 pillar candle. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, browns, purple, and gold.   Stunning!! Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hours burn time
AM38PL $ 32.50
African Mineral 2x2x3 cube candle. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hours burn time
AM2CU $ 11.25
African Mineral 3x3x3 candle cube.  African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hours burn time
AM3CU $ 22.50
Six African Mineral votives in various patterns. African designs in wonderful rich colors of turquoise, red, blues, purple, and gold. The votives come in a 6-pack. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hours burn time
AM6V $ 19.00
Carousel Candle Collection are hand painted in an array of wonderful bright colors. Fun and cheerful. Dinner tapers, pillar candles, cube candles and votive candles. Fair trade handmade in South Africa. Carousel Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched taper pair of Carousel candles in pewter taper holders.  Dots & stripes in pinks, yellow, turquoise, and greens! Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
CAR9TP $ 14.00
Carousel 3 x 4" pillar candle. Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, red, greens and turquoise! Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
CAR34PL $ 24.50
Carousel 3x6 pillar candle. Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, red, & greens. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
CAR36PL $ 28.50
Carousel 3x8 pillar candle. Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, red, greens and turquoise! Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
CAR38PL $ 32.50
Carousel 2x2x3 cube candle.Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, orange, greens and turquoise! Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
CAR2CU $ 11.25
Carousel 3x3x3 cube candle. Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, red, greens and turquoise! Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
CAR3CU $ 22.50
Six Carousel  2" votive candles in various designs. Dots, stripes and circles in pinks, purple, yellow, red, greens and turquoise!  The 6 votives come in a gift pack. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
CAR6V $ 19.00
Blue Moon hand made and hand painted candle collection. Hues of blue with touches of yellow and read. Fair Trade. Available in dinner tapers, pillar candles, cub candles, and votives. Blue Moon Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Blue moon candle pair in pewter candle taper holders.  African type design in purple, pink, yellow and fuchsia. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
BM9TP $ 14.00
Blue Moon 3x4 pillar.  African type designs in purple, yellow, pink, turquoise, and light purple. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
BM34PL $ 24.50
Blue Moon 3x6 pillar candle. Purple & turquoise are main colors with yellow & orange accents. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
BM36PL $ 28.50
Blue Moon 3x8 pillar candle.  Turquoise, fuchsia, and purple main colors  with touches of yellow & orange. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
BM38PL $ 32.50
Blue Moon 2x2x3 cube.  Turquoise and Blue with designs in orange, fuchsia and yellow. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
BM2CU $ 11.25
Blue Moon 3x3x3 cube.  Turquoise, fuchsia, and purple with touch of orange. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
BM3CU $ 22.50
6 Blue Moon votives in various designs in turquoise, blue, fuchsia, with yellow, orange and red touches.  6 votives come in a gift pack. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
BM6V $ 19.00
Safari Gold hand made and hand painted candle collection.  Hues of brown painted in squares and stripes with gold and dark brown ethnic design painted on top.  Fair Trade home decor. Safari Gold Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched taper pair of Safari Gold candles in pewter candle holders.  Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold in 'African' designs. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
SG9TP $ 14.00
Safari Gold 3x4 pillar.  Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold in 'African' designs. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
SG34PL $ 24.50
Safari Gold 3 x 6 pillar. Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold in 'African' designs. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
SG36PL $ 28.50
Safari Gold 3x8 pillar.  Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold in 'African' designs. Stunning! Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
SG38PL $ 32.50
Safari Gold 2x2x3 cube. Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold and black in 'African' designs. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
SG2CU $ 11.25
Safari Gold 3x3x3 cube. Shades of brown and rust with accents of gold, black and cream in 'African' designs. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
SG3CU $ 22.50
Safari Gold 2" votives in various designs; shades of brown and rust with accents of gold in 'African' patterns.  6 votives come in a gift package. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
SG6V $ 19.00
Multicolor Ethnic candle collection is hand painted with colorful squares of yellow, blue, green, red and white with overlay ethnic designls, animal print, hastags, diamonds, etc.  Fair Trade Multi Color Ethnic Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched pair of Muticolor Ethnic tapers in pewter candle holders. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
MCE9TP $ 14.00
Multicolor 3x4 pillar candle. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
MCE34PL $ 24.50
Multicolor Ethnic  3x6" pillar candle.  Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
MCE36PL $ 28.50
Multicolor Ethnic  3x8" pillar candle. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
MCE38PL $ 32.50
Multicolor Ethnic 2x2x3 cube candle. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
MCE2CU $ 11.25
Multicolor Ethnic 3x3x3 cube candle. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
MCE3CU $ 22.50
Six votives in various designs of Multicolor Ethnic. Bright, colorful, sunshine and fun designs that sing out Africa! The votives come in a 6 pack. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
MCE6V $ 19.00
Traditional Christmas candle collection.  Taper candles, pillar candles, cube candles, and votive candles hand painted in various traditional Christmas patterns. Fair Trade home decor.  Made in South Africa. Christmas Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched pair of Christmas dinner tapers in pewter taper holders. Hand painted in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
CHR9TP $ 14.00
3" x 4" Christmas pillar in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold.  This pillar is painted with holly leaves. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
CHR34PL $ 24.50
3" x 6" Christmas pillar in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold. This pillar is painted with lacy strings of a Christmas flower with a red boarder at the bottom. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
CHR36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" Christmas pillar in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold. This pillar is painted with gold flowers and a red boarder at the top & bottom. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
CHR38PL $ 32.50
2" x 2" x 3" Christmas cube in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold. This cube is painted with red Christmas flower on a lacy green & gold background. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
CHR2CU $ 11.25
3" x 3" x 3" Christmas cube in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold. This cube is painted with red checkerboard design with green squares. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
CHR3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" Christmas votive candles in various traditional Christmas patterns in red, dark green, light green and gold. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
CHR6V $ 19.00
Blue & Green hand painted candle collection. Wonderful hues of blue with touches of sea green. Available in taper candles, pillar candles, cube candles and votive candles. Fair Trade. Blue & Green Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched pair of Blue & Green tapers in pewter taper candle holders. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
BG9TP $ 14.00
Blue & Green 3x4 pillar candle.  Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
BG34PL $ 24.50
Blue & Green 3x6 pillar candle.  Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
BG36PL $ 28.50
Blue & Green 3x8 pillar candle.  Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
BG38PL $ 32.50
Blue & Green 2x2x3" cube candle. Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
BG2CU $ 11.25
Blue & Green 3x3x3 cube candle. Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
BG3CU $ 22.50
Six Blue & Green votives in various patterns. Indigo blue, turquoise, greens and touch of purple in various circle and triangle designs. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
BG6V $ 19.00
Desert Rose handmade and hand painted candle collection.  Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue,  browns, orange. - warm and stunning.  Fair Trade home decor. Desert Rose Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Desert Rose  9" matched taper pair in pewter taper holders. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
DR9TP $ 14.00
Desert Rose 3x4 pillar candle. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Pillar 3"x 4" - 50 hour burn time
DR34PL $ 24.50
Desert Rose 3x6 pillar candle. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Pillar 3"x 6" - 75 hour burn time
DR36PL $ 28.50
Desert Rose 3x8 pillar candle. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Pillar 3"x 8" - 100 hour burn time
DR38PL $ 32.50
Desert Rose 2x2x3 cube candle. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Cube 2"x2"x3"- 20 hour burn time
DR2CU $ 11.25
Desert Rose 3x3x3 cube candle. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
DR3CU $ 22.50
6 Desert Rose 2" votive candles. The votives come in a 6 pack. Beautiful colors of the African desert; golden yellow, turquoise blue, browns, orange painted in blocks of color with abstract patterns on top. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
DR6V $ 19.00
Summer candle collection is hand painted with blue, burnt orange, and green squares and stripes with white, yellow, red, and blue flowers overlay.  Happy, and not only fun for summer and cheery year-round! Fair Trade home decor. Summer Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Summer taper match pair in silver pewter taper holders.  Tapers are full of summer colors, with flowers, dots stripes & squares. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
SUM9TP $ 14.00
Summer 3x4 pillar. Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
SUM34PL $ 24.50
3x6 Summer pillar candle. Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
SUM36PL $ 28.50
3x8 Summer Pillar candle. Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
SUM38PL $ 32.50
2x2x3 Summer cube candle.  Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
SUM2CU $ 11.25
3x3x3 Summer cube candle. Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
SUM3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" Summer votive candles. Flowers, dots and petal chain designs in summer colors. The 6 votives come in a gift pack. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
SUM6V $ 19.00
White on white collection of  hand painted candles have a floral or graphic design painted in white on a white candle. Beautiful as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Fair Trade home decor. White on White Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched pair of 9" dinner taper candles in pewter taper holders. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Beautiful as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
WOW9TP $ 14.00
3" x 4" White on White pillar candle.  The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Beautiful as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
WOW34PL $ 24.50
3" x 6" White on white pillar candle. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Exquisite as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
WOW36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" White on white pillar candle. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Exquisite as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
WOW38PL $ 32.50
2" x 2" x 3" White on white cube candle. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle.  Lovely as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
WOW2CU $ 11.25
3" x 3" x 3" White on white cube candle. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Lovely as they burn as the candle lights from within and shows the artistry on the candle. Cube 3"x3"x3"- 45 hour burn time
WOW3CU $ 22.50
6/2" White on white votive candles. The designs include floral or graphic patterns painted in white on a white candle. Packaged in a 6-pack gift box. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
WOW6V $ 19.00
Pastel Hearts hand made and hand painted candle collection.  Light blue, yellow , pink, badkgrounds with hearts painted in purple, red, pink, and white.  Very fun and happy!  Fair Trade home decor. Pastel Hearts Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Example of Pastel Hearts taper pair in pewter taper holders. Pairs come with matched design. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
PH9TP $ 14.00
Pastel Heats 3x4 pillar.  Light green background with colorful hears an diamonds on it. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
PH34PL $ 24.50
Colorful 3x6 Pastel Hearts pillar. Light pink background with hearts & squiggles on it. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
PH36PL $ 28.50
Pastel Hearts 3x8 pillar. Light pink & yellow with colorful hearts painted on top. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
PH38PL $ 32.50
Pastel Hearts 2x2x3 cube. Light pink with red, yellow  and white hearts along with tree diamond highlights. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
PH2CU $ 11.25
Pastel Hearts 3x3x3 cube.  Light pink with squares and colorful hearts  painted on it. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
PH3CU $ 22.50
6-Pastel Heart votives painted in various patterns in the Pastel Heart collection. Very cute and come in a gift pack of 6. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
PH6V $ 19.00
African Sky hand made and hand painted candle collection.  Dinner tapers, pillar candles, cube candles, and votive candle 6-pack. Fair Trade. African Sky Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
African Sky taper pair in small pewter candle holders. Turquoise, dark blue, cream and dark tan in dots, sunbursts, and geometric designs- very pretty! Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
AS9TP $ 14.00
3" x 6" African Sky pillar. Turquoise, dark blue, cream and dark tan in dots, sunbursts, and geometric designs. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
AS36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" African Sky pillar. Turquoise, dark blue, cream and dark tan in dots, sunbursts, and geometric designs. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
AS38PL $ 32.50
3" x 3" x 3" African Sky cube. Turquoise, dark blue, cream and dark tan in dots, sunbursts, and geometric designs. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
AS3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" African Sky votives. Turquoise, dark blue, cream and dark tan in dots, sunbursts, and geometric designs. These come packaged in a 6-pack gift box. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
AS6V $ 19.00
Berry blaze hand painted candle collection.  Bright red with darker berry design.  Beautiful glow from inside as they burn. Fair Trade. Berry Blaze Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched Berry Blaze dinner taper pair in pewter taper holders.  Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
BB9TP $ 14.00
3" x 4" Berry Blaze pillar candle. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
BB34PL $ 24.50
3" x 6" Berry Blaze pillar candle. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
BB36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" Berry Blaze pillar candle. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
BB38PL $ 32.50
2" x 2" x 3" Berry Blaze cube candle. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
BB2CU $ 11.25
3" x 3" x 3" Berry Blaze cube candle. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
BB3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" Berry Blaze votive candles. Bright red with darker berry design mixed with geometric design. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
BB6V $ 19.00
Pastel & Gold Candle Collection. Beautiful combination of pink, turquoise and gold.  Handmade and hand painted in South Africa.  Fair Trade home decor. Delight Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Delight 9" taper pair in pewter taper holders. Pink, turquoise, gold & white combination in dots, stripes, and designs. So fun! Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
DEL9TP $ 14.00
Pastel & Gold 3" X 4" piillar candle that glows from the inside when it burns. Burn time 60 hours.  Hand made and hand painted. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
DEL34PL $ 24.50
Pastel &  Gold 6" Pillar candles with hints of turquoise glows from within while it burns. Burn time is 80 hours. Handmade and hand painted. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
DEL36PL $ 28.50
This 3" X 8" Pastel Gold pillar candle burns 100 hours and is a stunning addition to any dinner table!  Handmade and hand painted. Fair Trade. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
DEL38PL $ 32.50
Pastel Gold 2"  X 3" cube candle in pink, gold & turquoise.  Handmade and hand painted.  Fair Trade. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
DEL2CU $ 11.25
This 3" X 3" X 3" Pastel Gold cube candle glows from the inside while it burns. Handmade and hand painted. Fair Trade. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
DEL3CU $ 22.50
Pastel Gold votive candle selectin on pink, turquoise and gold. Sold in a gift pack of 6. Fair Trade home decor. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
DEL6V $ 19.00
Memphis Stripe candle collection. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige.  Fun!  Fair Trade home decor.  Memphis Stripe Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched taper pair of Memphis Stripe in pewter taper holders. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
MS9TP $ 14.00
3" x 4" Memphis Stripe pillar candle. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
MS34PL $ 24.50
3" x 6" Memphis Stripe pillar candle. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
MS36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" Memphis Stripe pillar candle. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
MS38PL $ 32.50
2" x 2" x 3" Memphis Stripe cube candle. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
MS2CU $ 11.25
3" x 3" x 3" Memphis Stripe cube candle. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
MS3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" votive candles in Memphis Stripe. Handmade and hand painted with stripes of assorted colors, turquoise, golden yellow, burnt orange, purple, dark green, brown & beige. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
MS6V $ 19.00
Set of 7 Magic Garden candles; taper pair, cubes, pillars, votive. White base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Magic Garden Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Pair of matched Magic Garden taper candles n small pewter taper candle holders. The tapers are a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
MG9TP $ 14.00
Magic Garden 3" x 4" pillar candle. The pillar is a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
MG34PL $ 24.50
Magic Garden 3" x 6" pillar candle. The pillar is a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
MG36PL $ 28.50
Magic Garden 3" x 8" pillar candle. The pillar is a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
MG38PL $ 32.00
Magic Garden 2" x 2"x 3" cube candle. The cube is a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Cube 2"x2"x3"- 20 hour burn time
MG2CU $ 11.25
Magic Garden 3" x 3"x 3" cube candle. The cube is a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
MG3CU $ 22.50
Magic Garden 6/ 2" votive candles. The votives are a white base with green, orange, turquoise, and lavender stripes. Overlay of pigment colors with a variety floral and leaf designs.  These come in a 6-pack gift box. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
MG6V $ 19.00
Henna Blue on White handmade and hand painted candle collection. The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Photo includes dinner taper candle, pillar candle. cube candle, and 2" votive. Fair Trade home decor. Henna Blue on White Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Henna Blue on White matched taper pair in tall pewter taper holders.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
HBOW9TP $ 14.00
Henna Blue on White 3" x 4" pillar.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
HBOW34PL $ 24.50
Henna Blue on White 3" x 6" pillar.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
HBOW36PL $ 28.50
Henna Blue on White 3" x 8" pillar.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
HBOW38PL $ 32.50
Henna Blue on White 2" x 2" x3" cube.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
HBOW2CU $ 11.25
Henna Blue on White 3" x 3" x3" cube.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
HBOW3CU $ 22.50
Henna Blue on White 6 2" votives.  The blue henna design is painted on white candles. The 6 votives come in a 6-pack gift box. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
HBOW6V $ 19.00
Henna white on blue candle collection.  Henna designs painted on blue candles.  Taper candles, pillar candles, cube candles, and votives. Fair Trade. Henna White on Blue Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Henna white on blue candle matched taper pair in tall pewter candle holders.  Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
HWOB9TP $ 14.00
Henna white on blue 3" x 4" pillar.  Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
HWOB34PL $ 24.50
Henna white on blue 3" x 6" pillar.  Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
HWOB36PL $ 28.50
Henna white on blue 3" x 8" pillar.  Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
HWOB38PL $ 32.50
Henna white on blue 2" x 2" x 3" cube candle.   Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
HWOB2CU $ 11.25
Henna white on blue 3" x 3" x 3" cube candle.   Henna designs painted in white on blue candles.  Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
HWOB3CU $ 22.50
6 Henna white on blue 2" votives.  Henna designs painted in white on blue candles. These 6 votives come in a 6-pack gift box. Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
HWOB6V $ 19.00
Hamsa candle collection hand made and hand poured in South Africa. Painted in Blue & White with the Hamsa Hand included in the design to keep away evil spirits! Available in Dinner taper candles, pillar candles, cube candles, and votives. Fair Trade. Hamsa Painted Candles
from $ 11.25 variants
Matched pair of Hamsa dinner tapers. Blue & white hand painted tapers with squiggles and Hamsa hands in predominate features of the design. Pair of Tapers 9" - 8 hour burn time
HAM9TP $ 14.00
3" x 4" Hamsa pillar painted in Blue & White geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design. Pillar 3"x4" - 50 hour burn time
HAM34PL $ 24.50
3" x 6" Hamsa pillar painted in blue & white geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design Pillar 3"x6" - 75 hour burn time
HAM36PL $ 28.50
3" x 8" Hamsa pillar painted in blue & white geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design Pillar 3"x8" - 100 hour burn time
HAM38PL $ 32.50
2" x 2" x 3" Hamsa pillar painted in blue & white geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design. Cube 2"x2"x3" - 20 hour burn time
HAM2CU $ 11.25
3" x 3"x3"  Hamsa pillar painted in blue & white geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design Cube 3"x3"x3" - 45 hour burn time
HAM3CU $ 22.50
6/ 2" Hamsa votive candles painted in blue & white geometric designs with the Hamsa Hand included in the design Votive 2" / 6-pack - 2 hour burn time
HAM6V $ 19.00