Where did the summer go? With Labor Day long behind us, I am thinking of you in the Northern Hemisphere as the days begin to draw in and the Autumn colors start to paint the hillsides. As with every change in season, its time to change your home décor and bring on those warm tones with hints of red and yellow. The talented artisans at Kapula paint a terrific selection of candles designs that welcome this beautiful time of the year, as well as brighten your room on the darker and colder evenings that soon approach.
African Sky and Desert Rose both use hues of blue, browns, and yellows. African Sunset, our newest design, brings on the burnt orange color of a sunset. Berry Blaze is your splash of red, and Safari Gold offers the warmest brown and gold tones that cap off the season. Magic Garden paints together the colors of your end-of-season garden and memories of that magic summer past! And for gentle Fall color look, try a combination of the Henna Brown and Henna Duck Egg. To contrast this, in the Southern Hemisphere, we are just welcoming the spring flowers - hard to believe I know. The Cape is gorgeous in September as it is in full bloom! Brilliant purples, pinks, blues and yellows dot the shoreline and adjacent hillsides all from wild flowers that just wait to come back each year. Even the wildlife enjoys the scene and the new vegetation!
So while you are lighting up for Fall, I’ll be shinning up down here for Spring!
Sending warm regards from Cape Town and the artisans at Kapula, who make these lovely candles.
Thank you for your support!